Returns & Refunds
If you received the product, it will be eligible for replacement, only in cases where there are defects found with the product.
For other Products - In case of complaints regarding products that come with a warranty from manufacturers, please refer the issue to the concerned manufacturer. Let us know & we'll help you regarding the same If you think, you have received the product in a bad condition or if the packaging is tampered with or damaged before delivery, please refuse to accept the package and return the package to the delivery person.
Please contact our customer service for initiating the replacement and send us the images/snapshots of the damaged product. Once our returns section receives and verifies the product, we will arrange for a replacement or a refund as the case may be.
Please note that we cannot promise a replacement for all products as it will depend on the availability of the stock and replacement product. In such cases, we will offer only a refund.
Refund Policy:
If Refund request is accepted, refunds will be made in the same form that the payment is received within 10 working days from the date of cancellation of order.